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Remedial Massage, Kinesiology and Bowen therapy combine to bring the best of Western principles of anatomy and physiology and Eastern philosophies of our energetic structure. A single therapy approach to a client's distress may not be effective in treating  the cause of the issue. By addressing the root cause the therapist is able to achieve a better health outcome. 


The human body is very good at compensating and adapting to stress, however these compensations and adaptations come at a cost, both physically and energetically. Keep adding more stress and you reach a point where the body starts to break down and is unable to sustain health, leading to symptoms and disease.


These kinds of stress can be at a structural, hormonal, nutritional, digestive or emotional level.  Taking a holistic approach to a client means that once you resolve the original stressor then many other issues that may not have been seen as related clear up as well.


This is why I believe that if you're suffering from chronic pain, poor health, emotional distress or any other ongoing disorders, complimentary health therapies can assist you to attain the health that you deserve, so you can live life to your full potential.


 Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's strucural, chemical, emotional or other energy, to establish the body's priority healing needs. A fundimental premise of Kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and is at all times doing its best to care for itself, but that sometimes it needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care.
 Kinesiology also recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that go to make the body a living, feeling being.
 These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of muscles, which in turn reflect the body's overall state of structual, chemical,  or emotional balance. In this way Kinesiology taps into energies that the more conventional modalities overlook. Kinesiology looks beyond symptoms.
 Kinesiology does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them. Kinesiology is concerned with inbalances in the body's energy. In this respect, Kinesiology has close links with the Acupuncture concept of energy flow. Where, as a result of injury, emotional trauma, nutritional or other unresolved stress, the energy flow is interrupted and the whole body is affected. The exact nature of the blockage in the energy flow can be more closely identified by 'muscle testing". Acupressure massage, light touch and other simple correction skills are used to restore muscle balance, which has a flow on effect into total body energy.
 Kinesiology is often called muscle balancing or energy balancing- helping  the body into a better position to heal itself or reach a specific goal by balancing its energies
 Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice- in sport, relationships, learning or coping with life generally.
 This energy balancing that is at the heart of Kinesiology may involve dealing with one or more of the stress factors already mentioned; identifying a nutritional lack or excess, clearing a negative emotional component, relieving pain, stimulating the intergration of muscle groups, or improving mental and physical coordination.


Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy is a holistic and multidimensional approach to pain relief and healing that has achieved remarkable results over the past 50 years. It's based on the recognition by Tom Bowen, its originator,who lived and practiced in Geelong , Victoria, that the underlying cause or source of many musculoskeletal, neurological, neuromuscular andother health or pain problems can be found in the soft tissue or fascia. Fascia is a specific type of connective tissue that forms a three dimensional web surrounding every tissue in the body. Fascia is the body organiser embracing all the nerves, bones, arteries, veins and muscles. Therefor fascial dysfunction can affect every structure, muscle, nerve and organ in the body. Fascia has become the subject of increasing research and recent studies have shown it to be the largest sensory organ in the body. It is rich in a range receptors that powerfully influence the body. It is rich in a range of receptors that powerfully influence the body's neuro-muscular physiology in many and complex ways.

 Bowen Therapy, through specific soft tissue or fascial release intergration techniques, stimulate specific receptors that enable the body itself to correct dysfunctions and restore homeostasis (balance) on a holistic level. Through treating the cause rather than symptoms Bowen therapy has consistently shown it can have profound and permanent healing and pain relief outcomes. This relief is experienced by many people who present, with a wide range of painful conditions , even where other modalities or treatments have resulted in transient or little improvement. Importantly, Bowen therapy, being holistic, does not rely on a detailed diagnosis of the problem and its origins, which is often costly and indeterminate. Bowen therapy treats the whole body, and its holistic effects are apparent in patients who find resolution to problems above and beyond those for which they had sought treatment, for example lack of energy, stress or emotional issues.


Remedial Massage
 One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins, the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system.
Some of the physical benefits of massage include
. reduced muscle tension
. improved circulation
. stimulation of the lymphatic system
. reduction of stress hormones
. increased joint mobility and flexibility
. improved skin tone
. speedier healing of soft tissue injuries
. heightened mental alertness
. reduced anxiety and depression.






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